Susannah Buchan

Susannah Buchan

Aproximación Ecosistémica a las Pesquerías Patagónicas

La Dra. Susannah Buchan es investigadora asociada de COPAS Sur-Austral y investigadora invitada de Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, EE.UU. Trabaja también con el Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Zonas Áridas. Actualmente lidera dos proyectos sobre la ecología de grandes cetáceos en la costa de Chile


Teléfono: 56 (41) – 2204520

Área de especialización

Oceanografía biológica y acústica pasiva marina.

Líneas de investigación

Ecología pelágica; ecología y distribución de ballenas en la Patagonia chilena (sur de Chile) y el Archipiélago Humboldt (norte de Chile); monitoreo acústico pasivo de bajas frecuencias; análisis bioacústico.

Antecedentes académicos

2015 Doctora en Oceanografía, Universidad de Concepción, Chile.
2006 Master of Research, Biología Ambiental, Universidad de St. Andrews, Escocia.
2005 Bachelor of Science, Oceanografía, University of Southampton, Inglaterra
2004 Maitrise en Oceanografía, Universite de Bordeaux, Francia.

Miembro de comités y consejos/otras afiliaciones

Investigadora Asociada, CEAZA, Chile.
Investigadora Invitada, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Estados Unidos

Premios y distinciones

2017 Acoustic Zooplankton Fish Profiler Young Scientist Award. ASL Environmental Science.
2015 Líderes del Sur 2015 – Reconocimiento a la contribución de la ciencia en la Región del Biobío, Sur de Chile.

Number of publications: 18


Name Autores Palabras clave Año
Presence of Southeast Pacific blue whales (Balaenopteramusculus) off South Georgia in theSouth Atlantic Ocean Constanza Rojas-Cerda, usannah J. Buchan, Trevor A. Branch, Franck Malige, Julie Patris, Rodrigo Hucke-Gaete, Iain Staniland Balaenoptera musculus, blue whale, length frequencies, passiveacoustic monitoring, South Atlantic Ocean, South Georgia island,South Pacific blue whale, vagrant whales 2022
Distribution of blue and sei whale vocalizations, and temperature – salinity characteristics from glider surveys in the Northern Chilean Patagonia mega-estuarine system Susannah J. Buchan, Laura Gutiérrez, Mark F. Baumgartner, Kathleen M. Stafford, Nadin Ramirez, Oscar Pizarro, Jose Cifuentes Oceanographic conditions, Interannual variation, Generalized Linear Models, blue and sei whale vocalizations 2022
Song recordings suggest feeding ground sharing in Southern Hemisphere humpback whales Elena Schall, Divna Djokic, Erin C. Ross‑Marsh, Javier Oña, Judith Denkinger, Julio Ernesto Baumgarten, Linilson Rodrigues Padovese, Marcos R. Rossi‑Santos, Maria Isabel Carvalho Gonçalves, Renata Sousa‑Lima, Rodrigo Hucke‑Gaete, Simon Elwen, Susannah Buchan, Tess Gridley, Ilse Van Opzeeland Antarctic krill, song and feeding, humpback whales 2022
Abundance and distribution patterns of cetaceans and their overlap with vessel traffic in the Humboldt Current Ecosystem, Chile Luis Bedriñana‑Romano, Patricia M. Zarate, Rodrigo Hucke‑Gaete, Francisco A. Viddi, Susannah J. Buchan, Ilia Cari, Ljubitza Clavijo, Robert Bello, Alexandre N. Zerbini Cetaceans, Bayesian Binomial, Satellite oceanographic 2022
Intraseasonal variation in southeast Pacific blue whale acoustic presence, zooplankton backscatter, and oceanographic variables on a feeding ground in Northern Chilean Patagonia. Susannah J. Buchan, Iván Pérez-Santos, Diego Narváez, Leonardo Castro, Kathleen M. Stafford, Mark F. Baumgartner, Arnoldo Valle-Levinson, Paulina Montero, Laura Gutiérrez, Constanza Rojas, Giovanni Daneri, Sergio Neira Blue whales, Euphausiids, Passive acoustics, Active acoustics, Estuaries, Backscatter, Tidal forcing, Wind stress 2021
An open access dataset for developing automated detectors of Antarctic baleen whale sounds and performance evaluation of two commonly used detectors. Brian S. Miller, The IWC-SORP/SOOS Acoustic Trends Working Group, Naysa Balcazar, Sharon Nieukirk, Emmanuelle C. Leroy, Meghan Aulich, Fannie W. Shabangu, Robert P. Dziak, Won Sang Lee & Jong Kuk Hong N/A 2021
Prey items of baleen whale species off the coast of Chile from fecal plume analysis. Susannah J. Buchan, Paulina Vásquez, Carlos Olavarría, Leonardo R. Castro N/A 2021
Seasonal acoustic presence of blue, fin, and minke whales off the Juan Fernández Archipelago, Chile (2007–2016). Susannah J. Buchan, Naysa Balcazar-Cabrera, Kathleen M. Stafford Baleen whales, Southeast Pacific, Seamounts, Passive acoustic monitoring, Bioacoustics 2020
Inter-annual decrease in pulse rate and peak frequency of Southeast Pacific blue whale song types. Franck Malige, Julie Patris, Susannah J. Buchan, Kathleen M. Stafford, Fannie Shabangu, Ken Findlay, Rodrigo Hucke-Gaete, Sergio Neira, Christopher W. Clark & Hervé Glotin N/A 2020
A standardized method of classifying pulsed sounds and its application to pulse rate measurement of blue whale southeast Pacific song units. Julie Patris, Franck Malige, Hervé Glotin, Mark Asch, Susannah J. Buchan Generalized functions, Linear filters, Electronic noise, Aquatic ecology, Mathematical modeling, Hydrophone, Sound production technology, Vocalization, Animal sounds, Bioacoustics of mammals 2019
Visual and passive acoustic observations of blue whale trios from two distinct populations. Elena Schall, Lucia Di Iorio, Catherine Berchok, Diego Filún, Luis Bedriñana‐Romano, Susannah J. Buchan, Ilse Van Opzeeland, Richard Sears, Rodrigo Hucke‐Gaete Acoustic monitoring, Blue whale, photoidentification 2019
Seasonal occurrence of fin whale song off Juan Fernandez, Chile. Susannah J. Buchan, Laura Gutiérrez, Naysa Balcazar-Cabrera, Kathleen M. Stafford Monitoreo Acústico Pasivo, Juan Fernández,, Ballena Fin 2019
An unsupervised Hidden Markov Model-based system for the detection and classification of blue whale vocalizations off Chile. Buchan S.J., Mahú R., Wuth J., Balcazar-Cabrera N., Gutierrez L., Neira S., Becerra-Yoma N. Blue whale vocalizations, Unsupervised detection and classification, HMM, Machine learning 2019
First acoustic recordings of critically endangered eastern South Pacific southern right whales (Eubalaena australis). Duffy M., Magolan J., Galletti B., Cabrera E., Landea R., Buchan S., Sayigh L. N/A 2018
Occasional acoustic presence of Antarctic blue whales on a feeding ground in southern Chile. Buchan S.J., Hucke-Gaete R., Stafford K.M. & Clark C.W N/A 2018
First insights into the oceanographic characteristics of a blue whale feeding ground in Northern Patagonia. Buchan S., Quiñones R. Foraging ecology, Blue whale, Euphausiid, Biological oceanography, Patagonia 2016
Seasonal occurrence of southeast Pacific blue whale songs in southern Chile and the eastern tropical Pacific. Buchan S.J., Stafford K.M., Hucke-Gaete R. Blue whale, Balaenoptera musculus, Passive acoustic monitoring, Whalesong, Chiloense Ecoregion, Southeast Pacific, Eastern tropical Pacific 2015
A new song recorded from blue whales in the Corcovado Gulf, Southern Chile, and an acoustic link to the Eastern Tropical Pacific. Buchan S.J., Hucke-Gaete R, Rendell L., Stafford K.M. Chile, Southeast Pacific, Balaenoptera musculus, Whale song, Bioacoustics 2014